An Analysis on the Admissibility Rules in Electronic Evidence 电子证据可采性规则探析
The theory and rules of admissibility and the case law of expert evidence in the US indicate the trend of development of expert evidence system in the common law system. 美国专家证据可采性的理论、判例和规则代表了普通法系专家证据制度的发展趋势。
The rule for the evidence admissibility in criminal litigation is an important evidence rule in the Anglo-American legal system. 刑事诉讼证据可采性规则是英美法系中重要的证据规则。
By introducing the conception of admissibility, the admissibility of evidence is no more only a theoretical conception, but also an procedural problem in judicial practice which can be stipulated by rules of evidence. 通过证据能力概念的引入,证据的采纳标准不再是一个空洞的法理学或法哲学的概念,而是一个可以通过立法得以实现的具体的程序性问题。
Secondly, in terms of the characteristics and the admissibility of electronic evidence, the high degree of probability standard used in determining the probative force of electronic evidence has been elaborated. 其次,针对电子证据的特征以及电子证据可采性的各方面分析,论述了高度盖然性标准在判定电子证据证明力问题上的实际运用。
Relevance is the premise of evidence admissibility in evidence rules of Anglo-American law system. There are a lot of admissibility rules designed around relevance of evidence. 在英美法系证据规则中,关联性是证据可采性的前提,有大量的证据可采性规则围绕证据关联性而设计。
The admissibility and affirmation of the evidence is a key ring in the chain of evidence system. Choosing which evidences can be used in building the evidence system, which cannot, are of much significance to ensure the quality of handling cases. 职务犯罪证据的认定是职务犯罪证据体系构建的关键一环,哪些证据可以在构建证据体系时使用,那些不能,是保证办案质量的关键。
While the admissibility is appreciated as admissible qualification for evidence to be advanced in litigation, the inadmissible evidence should be excluded in the early stage of proceedings as soon as possible. 如果将证据能力理解为证据进入诉讼程序的准入资格,这种资格的确认就必须尽可能地在程序开始的早期阶段进行。
When excising judicial discretion relating to admissibility of covert evidence, judges take into consideration three factors involving relevance, reliability and legality. These factors play guiding role in acts of obtaining evidence in covert investigation. 法官判断证据可采性所依据的因素主要表现为证据与本案相关、证据真实可靠以及行为合法,这些因素将作为实务中秘侦取证行为的指导规则而发挥作用。